socioeconomic impact analysis

What we do

We bring expertise in quantitatively and qualitatively evaluating the utility of projects and interventions so that all social, cultural, environmental, economic and financial impacts can be understood. In alignment with global standards, we recognize the importance of relationships between people, culture, economic activities and the biophysical environment.

How we do it

An integrated approach of bringing the different valued socio-economic components into evaluation, which provides a comprehensive and cost-effective outcome.
We seek to generate comprehensive analysis on potential economic impacts as well as important social values attached to the activity, which inform likely attitudes and responses to the proposed change. We leverage a mix of qualitative and quantitative tools given challenges in data collection and measurement.
Valued socio-economic components include:

Why we do it

This analysis provides leaders with a rigorous foundation to inform decision-making about critical investment opportunities. It’s also a palpable demonstration of their commitment to ESG and Sustainability principles.

Moreover, this understanding can help design impact mitigation strategies to minimize negative and maximize positive impacts of any change. ESG can be as transformative from a growth perspective as it can be from a risk mitigation perspective.
Additional external benefits include:

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our capabilities

We bring a portfolio of mutually reinforcing services to support organizations to accelerate their ESG journeys and ensure positive ROI for shareholders and stakeholders.

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