Dr. Renosi Mokate

Board Member

Renosi is a highly experienced economist and policy analyst, who specializes in development economics and finance.

Renosi gained her academic qualifications in the USA before returning to South Africa in the early 1990s, serving in the multiparty negotiations process, and as Chief Executive of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in the run-up to South Africa’s first democratic election.

Renosi became a key adviser on macro-economic and fiscal policy to the government, and later was Chief Executive of the Central Energy Fund (SA government’s state-owned energy exploration, production, refining, and investment group).

She was Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank from 2005 – 2010, and a key member of the Monetary Policy Committee and the G20 Group of Nations Central Bank forum. Renosi left the Reserve Bank to become an Executive Director of the World Bank Group (based in Washington, DC), where she represented the interests of Angola, Nigeria, and South Africa.

Renosi was, most recently, the Executive Dean of the Graduate School of Business Leadership at the University of South Africa.

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